Liviana Martin The German artist Anselm Kiefer considers artistic activity a constant element in...
Mary Fletcher This show, curated by Eleanor Clayton, Anne Barlow and Giles Jackson, began...
Toni Carver THERE is a song by a Cornish band of the 1990s of...
Pablo Halguera Barroquismos: Conceptual readings of the 17th century. Last week I was...
Matthew Nesvet If, as many commentators say, the Venice Biennale is the Olympics of...
Liviana Martin Never, as in this 59th Venice Biennale of art, have there been...
Christian Hain Hasso Plattner is a man of many passions, from computers: co-founding software...
Mary Fletcher This extensive show of 60 works by Walter Langley commemorates the 100th...
Susana Gómez Laín There is a proverb that says ‘there is not a bad...
Margaret Lanterman Spring in Chicago brings weather that varies between blustery snow and 80-degree...