Susana Gómez Laín
For me, the magazine is my actual link to the art world. I am not inspired to do any artistic work and it is difficult and dangerous to gather with other people to do so. So, through the reading of the magazine and the reviews I send, somehow I keep in touch until normality comes back and I have a good reason to go to exhibitions that otherwise maybe I would not attend because of all the restrictions and rules. As for the rest, my work as a lawyer has also been much paralyzed for the same reasons, and when this finishes we expect an overload of cases to come.
I don’t really care much about the future. I am trying to live everyday as I can and don’t make many plans. I think the best strategy is to get on with what we have and go with the flow. I am open to changes, that I don’t mind at all, which is good in these times. I hope the magazine goes on and on and can bring at least some joy to the readers.
For the rest, I wish you all good health and hope.
Volume 35 no 4 March – April 2021