Daniel Benshana Oratory is the art of persuasion and is taught over decades. And...
From the moment we are born we begin to interact with the world around...
Vale Every so often, even in sadness, it is the pleasure of an editor...
Daniel Benshana I am planting an orchard. I have been ‘given’ a field by...
Al Jirikowic No art, worth its salt, is ever obvious. This is why art...
An Invitation When the roaring twenties finally do arrive, as predicted after the rerun...
Pendery Weekes, Derek Guthrie, Daniel Nanavati Finally, with the publication of our November/December issue...
By Pendery Weekes This issue of the New Art Examiner is unique. Nearly all...
There are some paintings you look at and you wonder who the people were,...
Jeff Koons is not a name to toy with. When he was asked to...