ALGERNON BLACKWOOD – MENACING WILDERNESS Frances Oliver In Amitav Ghosh’s The Great Derangement, which...
Mother of Invention: A Necessary Journey into Midjourney by Scott Sublett I am not...
At the New Museum: Judy Chicago: Herstory 10/12/23-1/14/24, by Elizabeth Ashe It’s all about...
Elizabeth Ashe Manet/Degas, first exhibited at the Musee d’Orsay opens with a split...
David Goldenberg Frieze week finished on Sunday 15th October. There was a lot to...
Jorge Benitez In the 1960s, American art writing moved from the passionate polemics of...
Mark Bloch It was around 1991 when I went, instructed by friends, to the...
Stephen Westfall 50 Years of What The Hell Just Happened Well, congratulations...
Derek Guthrie, Co-Founder and Publisher Emeritus, the New Art Examiner The publishing of the...
FEATURES: Yesterday and Today Derek Guthrie 50 Years of ‘What the Hell Just Happened?’...