North Atlantic Art History and Its Alternatives This is the introduction to James Elkins’...
Stephen Lee The focus of two series of recent drawings by Terry Atkinson- Berlin,...
Derek Guthrie, champion of artists and cultural thinking and co-founder of the New Art...
Sam Vangheluwe “More light!” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s last words Taste is just about...
Pablo Halguera There is a famous passage in Karl Marx’s Grundrisse der Kritik der...
Annie Markovich Thanks to the generosity of Esther Pissarro, the widow of Camille’s eldest...
Giacomo Tagliani Is it still possible to say something new and thought-provoking about...
Al Jirikowic Considering the calamity of the past few days, or last eight years,...
Highlighted in red are Anima Mundi’s factual correctios and criticisms from the original review:...
The necessity of art as activism fluctuates with current affairs. Global or domestic circumstances...