Graziella Colombo Giambattista (or Giovan Battista) Tiepolo was born in Venice in 1696 and...
Year: 2021
Mary Fletcher These six large tapestries show the Hogarthian progress of a male character...
Features: Gentlemen prefer blondes who kick ass Scott Winfield Sublett The Julia Stoschek Collection...
Pendery Weekes, Derek Guthrie, Daniel Nanavati Finally, with the publication of our November/December issue...
Each issue, the New Art Examiner will invite a well-known, or not so well-known,...
Loretta Pettinato Spring 2020 was an abnormal and far from ideal season. Certain spectral...
Scott Winfield Sublett Something happened the other day that made me realize yet again...
Christian Hain It’s all very confusing indeed, and I don’t talk about that virus...
Patricia Wilson Smith On 12 September this year painter and performance artist Ken Turner...
Gill Fickling For the last months, with lockdown making cinemas out of bounds,...