Otto Dix: Objective Painter or accidental prophet? Darius Magada-Ward Death is Black and White...
Year: 2021
An Invitation When the roaring twenties finally do arrive, as predicted after the rerun...
“… I look upon that inward eye That is the bliss of solitude…” A...
Anthony Viney If you have ever printed from a black-and-white film negative, you will...
Republished with permission from Artscope, December 11, 2020 This is the last interview Barbara...
Scott Winfield Sublett Earlier this year I bought as much as I could afford...
Pendery Weekes Just as depicted in the virtual life platform Second Life (, launched...
Frances Oliver There have been several epidemics in my lifetime – among them SARS,...
Susana Gómez Laín After having my temperature tested, my hands washed in hydro-alcohol and...
Liviana Martin The quote “Women are the vine around which everything revolves” by Leo...