Otto Dix: Objective Painter or accidental prophet? Darius Magada-Ward
Death is Black and White Anthony Viney
Don Kimes interviewed by Barbara rose Barbara Rose
The marvel-ous future of cinema Scott Winfield Sublett
The virtual outdoors Pendery Weekes
Four epidemics Frances Oliver
Editorial Pendery Weekes, Cornwall
Speakeasy Daniel Nanavati: “The Eye That is Not an Eye”
Poem Josephine Gardiner: “Treecreeper”
Scouting the blogs Miklos Legrady
Invitadas – invited Susana Gómez Laín in Madrid
Amazons of the avant-garde Liviana Martin in Milan
Giambattista Tiepolo: Painter of Fantasy Graziella Colombo
The etruscans Loretta Pettinato
Grayson Perry: The vanity of Small differences Mary Fletcher