As the New Art Examiner (NAE) continues to revitalize, plans are being made to introduce a sister publication called the Howler. A projected launch is scheduled for the spring of 2017. The Howler will be a substantial print-run publication for the mass-market, free of charge. This is contrary to the NAE that is a limited print-run, subscription-based publication. Consumers of art criticism and those who indulge in the culture fall into two polarized categories. To fully represent these two very different independent voices with- in the visual arts community, we have decided two canvasses are needed. By doing so, we hope to be able to fully express the varying concepts and ideas within a highly fragmented industry.
The Howler will possess a developed web platform with content capability that gives us exposure to more articles covering more topics from more locations around the world. It will also serve a dual purpose as an online meeting place for the arts community. A place where artists and art lovers can interact with each other in a more direct manner: from placing classifieds, to advertising events, to collaborating in the real world, and engaging in more in-depth discussion and critique.
The initial print-run will be about 5000 copies quarterly and will be distributed to over 200
locations across the Chicagoland and Northern Indiana area via coffeehouses, art galleries and art schools. Our goal is to set up roots in the communities that create and support art and in the end, broaden the reach of the NAE with quality discourse. Our structure will allow us to accept content from correspondents and contributors from anywhere in the world. Over time we will have the capacity to expand the print edition outside the Chicago area.
Currently, we are looking to build our team. Artists and other creatives, writers, editors, copy editors, web and print designers, cartoonists, photographers, marketing, promotion and public relations, advertising, sales, distribution, admin/staffing and well wishers are welcome to join or get involved in some capacity. Come join our new village! We gratefully welcome and acknowledge new ideas and involvement in order to make it a success venture for everyone in the visual arts community. Please contact me for details
Michael Ramstedt Editor, NAE Howler (resigned)
Volume 31 number 3, January / February 2017 pp 7