The New Art Examiner was created as a resistance to censorship and the control...
Derek Guthrie
Derek Guthrie, champion of artists and cultural thinking and co-founder of the New Art...
We republish this interview of our friend and colleague John Link, who died on...
Pendery Weekes, Derek Guthrie, Daniel Nanavati Finally, with the publication of our November/December issue...
Chicago Tribune: Sunday 3rd December 1972 Jane Addams Allen & Derek Guthrie were the...
The New Art Examiner is difficult to explain, as it does not fit into...
Ken Turner on New Ways Of Seeing, evaluating John Berger Daniel Nanavati on the...
The Smithsonian American Art Museum is a repository of portraits, historical paintings and contemporary...
Norbert Marszalek: The New Art Examiner was originally published from 1973 to 2002. It...