by Frances Oliver I wrote recently about a just republished book from my parents’...
Year: 2020
by Anita Di Rienzo, Milan. Ancient paintings are often referred to as ‘pieces...
Sandra Zalman (reprinted with permission) Sandra Zalman is Associate Professor and Program Director of...
Katie Zazenski from Warsaw By the second week of March 2020, systems across the...
Ben Russo in Holland Infection, virus, asymptomatic, remote, and assembly are continuously heard...
Alexander Stanfield, West Coast Editor (USA) If I were to ask you, what is...
(with European Editor Daniel Nanavati, conducted over Skype) You obviously always wanted to...
Ivy Leung in Hong Kong ‘Anonymous Society’, a special name, feels mysterious. ‘Magick’ refers...
Viktor Witkowski Leon Golub would certainly find many reasons and occasions to make paintings...
Liviana Martin The first exhibition in Italy dedicated to Georges de La Tour: 15...