The active mind explores what is unknown and undecided and is prepared to abandon...
Year: 2019
当我们想到科技的创新,可能会立刻联想到电脑,汽车,手机等智能产品,结果我发现原来服装设计展览也可以给人们带来科技的震撼。33岁的荷兰服装设计师 Iris Van Herpen (爱丽丝.凡.哈本) 就是这么一个有才华的艺术家, 将服装,雕刻,和科技研究连接一身,展现在大溪流美术馆,这个美术馆位于美国密西根州的第2大城的大溪流市 (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses...
Deep Sounding – History as Multiple Narratives is a group exhibition centered on the...
The 2019 Biennale of Venice, with its successful and less successful artworks, undoubtedly achieved...
There is work from about 86 students in the catalogue, which is without page...
‘Cinema Between Two Worlds’ is a painting about six feet high, the subject being...
Ex Libris was curated by Dr Ryya Bread and the preview was full of...
Paintings by these three artists are well known to me from images in books,...
Downstairs Chesney has a 3 screen video making a loud roaring sea sound. On...