Artist Statement
I respond to what humanity is about: pathos, cruelty, stupidity, tenderness, its blindness to what is important to life, one could go on describing qualities either lacking or evident. The troubles of today and yesterday are mostly in my mind before the act of painting. One has to allow for techniques in painting that send me wildly into the future, to a new space, a new life and existence where thought and action become one, history is the future and the past is present. Play is something I recovered from childhood when I began working as a performance artist. It is only when a work frightens me that I feel I have accomplished something good. It is as if it comes from nowhere and surprises me into a state of bewilderment. Something that at times is difficult to grasp.

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Born: 27th July 1926 in Upper Barian, North West Frontier, India. Came to England in 1936
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